With a week and a half of 2012 under our belt's, I've been told that new gym-goer's - and New Year resolutioner's - are in full force, and are taking over gym's, supermarket's, and even Staple's.
I'm going to make an assumption here. Loosing weight, getting in shape, and bringing organization into play, are probably the most popular New Year's resolutions that have ever existed.
I don't buy into the whole resolution thing. From an observer's standpoint the gym is always emptier in February, and people's lives can never stay organized for all that long... and maybe I know a little bit from personal experience.
In the past couple year's - especially in the last - I have been trying hard to stay focused on creating new goals, following through with them, and challenging myself everyday. Personally, I accomplish more that way. Why not take stepping stones instead of psyching myself up for something that may not be realistic with my lifestyle, or setting a goal that may not be as beneficial to me at that very moment.
Don't get me wrong. I believe that I can accomplish anything I feel strongly about and can be anything I want to be. But I also like to take on the role of a realist.
Good luck to all you believer's out there. And to those of you who have already fallen through with your resolutions, it's okay to cheat a little...presuming you're going to get back on the boat.
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Home
I also wanted to share this song, since I cannot get it out of my head! Enjoyyyyyy :)
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